This will be the first step to getting your car clean, because as the dust falls to the ground, you can vacuum it up. You can use a cheap foam paintbrush to dust those hard to reach places on your AC vents, and you can follow the brush with the vacuum hose to catch all of the dust!Toss the Trash
Make your way through your car either with two trash bags or baskets. One is for actual trash, while the other is for items that don't belong in your car anymore. Extra pens, business cards, cups, water bottles, Tupperware containers, sometimes even a whole wardrobe! You never know what can get lost in such a small area like your car, but they do, so start by clearing away all of these items, as well as the trash that accumulates as well. Don't forget to take the rugs out too, you wouldn't believe what could sneak its way under those!Wipe the Spills
You can use soapy pail of water and a rag or a magic eraser to get in and clean those spills and messy things from your vinyl and leather seats. You can also use your rag to start wiping down the dash, doors, steering wheel, and more. If you find that dirt has embedded itself into the textures of your vinyl you can use an old toothbrush to get in those small spaces. Just be sure that whatever you use to clean, it's not too abrasive and you don't scrub too hard.Rescue Those Rugs
If you have unsightly slushy stains and cracker crumbs ground into your rugs, we can help you rescue them and have them looking as good as new! You can spray your dirty floor mats with a stain remover and then throw them in the washing machine, or you can just scrub them really good with an upholstery cleaner. If you have something random ground into them like wax from a crayon that sat in the car on a 100° day and then melted into a puddle, you can fix that easily! Use a paper towel and an iron to remove melted wax, or you can wait for an equally hot day and just keep dabbing it with new paper towels to clean it.
Scrub the Seats
Do you have dog hair embedded in your seats? You can try a vacuum first to get it off, and if that doesn't work, you can spray the seat with water and then squeegee it to make piles of hair and then vacuum those off. If you have dirt and crumbs in the fine seams of the seat cushions, you can use a fine-bristled brush to get them out. If you want to give your leather seats extra special treatment, use olive oil to polish the leather and even your dashboard!The Smell of Clean
Now that you've cleaned the inside of your car from top to bottom, get an air freshener in there and sit to enjoy the freshness. If you want to make a homemade freshener, you can make one from a dryer sheet and some scent beads from your favorite laundry soap company. Put the beads on the dryer sheet and tie it up with a twist tie! Throw these puppies under the seats of your car and you'll have it smelling fresh in no time. If your car still has a strange odor that you can't place, your cab's air filter may need to be replaced. Bring it out to the best car mechanics at the Lake of the Ozarks and we'll get it taken care of!Best Mechanic at the Lake of the Ozarks
While you worry about the inside of your car, let us take care of the outside stuff, like your tires, engine and more. From flat tires to hearing strange sounds in your vehicle, we can help with all of those and more. Bring your car to the best auto care company at the Lake of the Ozarks and we'll help you keep your newly cleaned car on the road for longer.Serving the Lake of the Ozark with all towing at automotive
needs - big or small!
322 South Business Route 5
Camdenton, Missouri 65020
322 South Business Route 5
Camdenton, Missouri 65020